Novi Put

Novi Put

Association “New Road”
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European Parliament's discussion on identification of children victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation in Europe

Recent European studies show an alarming increase in trafficking and sexual exploitation of children in Europe and the perpetrators are constantly finding new ways of exploiting children amplifying the cross-sectoral nature of human trafficking. The new EU Strategy on Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings 2021-2025 particularly highlights the importance of proactive early identification and cross-sectoral collaboration among frontline officers, such as border guards, police officers, social workers and civil society organizations, as well as the role of Internet service providers.

Association "Novi put" visited by Her Excellency the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden

Her Excellency the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Johanna Stromquist, and the First Secretary of the Embassy of Sweden, Annelie Stiglund, visited the association "Novi put" today.

Learn how to protect yourself! STOP child abuse and human trafficking!

The proposed project is funded by the U.S. Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina and aims to raise awareness about human trafficking issue and child abuse through internet and decrease number of victims. It will also result in improvement of referral mechanisms and strengthening existing national anti-trafficking capacities. All activities are in accordance with the current State Action Plan for Combating HT.

Project goals:

  1. Reduction of number of trafficked people B&H citizens and victims of child abuse through internet
  2. Empowering of potential/genuine victims of THB to seek assistance
  3. Strengthening of capacities of relevant anti-trafficking institutions
  4. Streamlining of anti-trafficking initiatives and efforts

Project objectives:

  1. Awareness raising and sensitizing of general public in the Project Area about HT and child abuse through internet and related sever human rights violations;
  2. Awareness raising about the issue of HT and child abuse among students in chosen schools and their teachers;
  3. Improvement of the existing multi-disciplinary response to the THB issue;
  4. Sensitizing of professionals dealing with the THB issue and elimination of potential prejudices about the THB issue;
  5. Empowering of potential/genuine victims of THB to seek assistance and report cases of trafficking;
  6. Providing of information on suspicious vacancies and safe migration to those interested in migration;
Collecting information on newest THB trends;

Prevention of Human Trafficking and Child abuse through internet

The project is supported by the he State Secretariat for Migration (the SEM) and the Swiss Embassy. The beneficiaries will be informed about the phenomenon, risks and ways of protection. A minimum of 3,500 direct beneficiaries and 9000 community members will benefit from the project activities, through ongoing outreach work and face-to-face approach in the Project Area. Contacts with all relevant anti-trafficking institutions that are represented in Mostar and Sarajevo Regional Monitoring Teams for Anti-Trafficking will be regularly maintained aimed at exchange of information and streamlining of the activities. 100 lectures for 2000 students and 100 teachers, 4 round tables for 100 parents and 2 awareness raising events for youth on the issue of human trafficking and child abuse through internet will be organized. The students, teachers and parents will complete surveys for the purpose of statistical analysis to be carried out during the project and to gather concrete information from the grassroots about the current situation related to child abuse through internet and human trafficking. This analysis shall be presented to all relevant stakeholders and shall assist in drafting future strategy of “Novi put”.    

Legal counseling

The Association "Novi put" provides free legal counseling services for victims of violence, especially women and children who have survived domestic violence and other forms of violence, as well as the victims of human trafficking.

Psychological counseling for adults

Our counseling center provides psychological assistance to adults, through individual, group counseling and organizing workshops.

Preparatory online workshop on the occasion of the launch of the awareness raising campaign about child trafficking in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The association "Novi put" organized a preparatory online workshop on the occasion of the start of the awareness raising campaign about child trafficking in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is supported by the joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe "Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022" and the Project "Prevention and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings in Bosnia and Herzegovina", on February 25, 2021. The awareness raising campaign will be implemented by the Association "Novi put" in the period February-July 2021 in co-operation with the member organization of the RING network" - Foundation "Lara" Bijeljina, “Women's Rights Center “ Zenica, Association „Women of B&H“ Mostar, Association „Budućnost“ Modriča, Association of Roma Women "Better Future" Tuzla, Foundation "United Women" Banja Luka, and in cooperation with officials of state institutions and public services that have in their mandate the preventing and combating of trafficking in human beings and children, as well as other members of the Network "RING“.

GMMP 2020 Preliminary Results

25 Years after the Fourth UN World Conference on Women (Beijing), the news media remain far from being inclusive spaces for women and historically marginalized groups, preliminary results of the 2020 Global Media Monitoring Project show.

25 years after the 4th UN World Conference on Women in Beijing, women and historically marginalized groups remain largely invisible in the world’s news media, preliminary results of the 2020 Global Media Monitoring Project show. See results:

The past five years have seen small incremental changes towards gender parity in subjects and sources particularly in broadcast news. Still, the pace of change remains glacial. See results:

There has been significant progress towards gender balance in news reporting; women’s role as television news reporters is more prominent now than ever, with 48% of televised news being reported by women, preliminary results of the 2020 Global Media Monitoring Project show.  Read more:

In European televised news, people age 80 and over are less than 1% of subjects and sources and, of these, just under 28% are women.

In a year where #COVID19 dominated the world’s news, #GMMP2020 preliminary results show that on the Internet, women are even less visible in stories related to the pandemic than in non-pandemic news, especially in Latin America and Asia.

Covid-19 presented an opportunity to investigate the gender dimensions of news during a global pandemic. One out of 4 stories is related to the pandemic, for instance, news about rising social and economic inequalities due to the novel coronavirus. 

UN Women, the lead United Nations entity on gender equality, has supported GMMP thrice consecutively since 2010. “The news industry must adopt codes of conduct that define and actively redress gender discrimination and stereotyping, starting with an increase in women’s leadership within the media industry,” says UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka.

On the Internet, women are less visible in stories related to Covid-19 than in non-Covid news especially in Latin America and Asia. Only in the #Caribbean does web-published news appear to be performing better in Covid-related stories on this indicator.

Obilježavanje Dana sigurnijeg interneta

Povodom obilježavanja Dana sigurnijeg interneta, udruženje "Novi put" je organizovalo predavanje na ovu temu učenicima i osoblju OŠ Petra Bakule u Mostaru, s ciljem podizanja svijesti o problemu iskorištavanja djece  putem interneta. Predavanje je realizirano u okviru projekta kojeg podržava Ministarstvo zdravstva, rada i socijalne zaštite HNK.

Contact Info

  • Association “New Road”
  • Adema Buća 10, 88000 Mostar, B&H
  • tel:+387 36988022
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.